Traversing Parallel Universes with Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein11 min read

‘I am so confused. What is going on? Is this even real!’. These were my exact words when I saw that letter; after having lunch with Steve a few weeks back, I started working on Perplexed more intensively. I was filled with the positivity of bringing a more extensive and better version of myself. It was Friday night, literally the third night in a row when I didn’t sleep. Around 3:00 am, I felt my room suddenly started feeling a little colder; I walked to the other side to check the heating, but it was working fine. Still, I was feeling cold strangely; out of nowhere, when I turned back, I saw a letter down on my floor just slid. I immediately opened my door to see who pushed it in. It was 3:08 am, and the mailing services had no scope to deliver anything at this time. As expected, there was no sign of life but silence; puzzled, I returned and picked up the letter, which was a letter to Dr. Vinamra Sharma by Dr. Stephen Hawking. I was all curious. I have no plan for a Ph.D. now; who would have written this? Well, Steve told me that I could expect someone soon this month, so I already understood that here, Dr. Stephen Hawking is no other than one of the greatest cosmologists, theoretical physicists, and, of course, my very favorite author. My excitement hiked to 11th heaven after receiving this letter from someone who had changed the world of physics and mine with his space-time theories.

With no delay at all, I opened the letter; strangely, the letter had no long text but a little message for me which stated ‘3:60 am February 9th, 2025’; my excitement turned into curiosity and confusion again, ‘What 3:60 am, isn’t it 4:00 am and why Dr. Hawking signed under with the same date but year says 2031’. My mind was wandering in the storm of thoughts and theories when I realized it was already 3:59 am; suddenly, it went so quiet that I could hear my wristwatch ticking on the table upside down. Suddenly, there was a bright flash in front of my eyes; I could see nothing but just two shadows walking towards me. It took me around two minutes to rub my eyes and see it was no one else, but Dr. Hawking, and right next to him was someone who needed no introduction but the person who defined and then redefined the whole definition of physics, Dr. Albert Einstein. I was speechless; in front of me were two of the most extraordinary scientific human beings; before I could process all, in a low voice, Dr. Einstein asked in a laughing but polite tone, ‘Vin, I hope you won’t mind an extra guest over. Sorry for coming down without prior notice; I met Dr. Hawking in Universe 212, teaching the flow of time at the University of Glasgow. I saw he was in a hurry during the lecture, and when I asked him why, he told me that he had a scheduled meeting with you, as I had no class. I asked him if I could join, and here I am’. My eyes were shining just like the the first ray of sun to the sea, in an exhilarated state I said,’Sir, you have no idea how happy I am to see you both here; I can’t believe my eyes, you know I was just drafting this contrast to your theory of relativity, I doubt its application in quantum space time’. Before I could complete my sentence Dr. Hawking stopped me by saying, ‘Ahh! boy, I can feel a little bit of me in you, which I doubt is any good! You forgot to ask Dr. Einstein to sit, you know we have traveled across 626 Universes to visit you. Quantum space travel is quite not that smooth yet, we are still working to streamline the flow yield.’ with this note both Dr. Einstein and Dr. Hawking started laughing while I felt a little ashamed of the fact that I forgot a very basic in my excitement. In a low tone, I asked them to sit and went to kitchen to grab some water.

When I came back with a water bottle and two glasses in my hand, Dr. Einstein and Dr. Hawking were talking about something I have no idea of, with the tone all I understood was the fact that they were debating about something. Looking at me Dr. Einstein said, ‘Thanks a lot Vin, I needed the water like anything, do you know I met Leonardo last week and he was telling me about you which actually made be subconsciously curious to research more on you and based on my findings I have to come down to meet you’. While serving the water to both of them, I said,’Yes sir, even I wanted to connect, you know I have a ton lot of questions to ask’. With a smile on his face Dr. Hawking added in the conversation, ‘Vin, we know there is a lot going with you, even during our travel we both were discussing what we can share with you, you know we just can’t tell you everything, it will disrupt the flow of time. Though we will try to fairly complement your inquisitiveness with closest possible retort‘.
Despite of us three in the room, it was all quiet; I can hear each word what there were saying as clear as possible which made me curious again about my wristwatch which stopped ticking, Dr. Hawking was looking at me with a smile in his face rejoicing the moment said, ‘Look Albert I told you the first actual question Vin will ask will going to be about the time in the letter, Vin don’t worry your watch is fine and so do what I wrote in the letter. It is right now 3:60 am and we are in a quadrant of a quant second, the time runs relative to the space which itself is relative to the surrounds here’. Dr. Einstein added to the talk by saying, ‘See, it is as simple as the fact that your mass is relative to energy which is a condensed state in itself proportional to the time which here is quantised; don’t worry if you do not understand why so, you will get it soon. And yes that Dr. Vinamra is you in the letter, not now but soon enough. We know you delayed your plan of PhD, but you never know what life gets for you, wait a couple of years and you will find out’. ‘You know, the time is multi-dimensional; Newton’s laws were limited; every action you do not just have equal and opposite reaction but have around a trillion of corresponding reflex and sub-actions as best of our current understanding.’ said Dr. Einstein. I was so lost in deep thinking while Stephen added, ‘Vin, I read your Paradox of Time; I have to tell you it was impressive besides you were unaware of the multidimensional aspect, I wonder why you have chosen Computer Science over Physics, you know if you have opted physics which you apparently did in one of the Universe, you would be at Max Plank in Germany right now. But anyways; I am here for something quite more important than just science today. Steve told me about his lunch meeting with you, truly that is recommendable how he was talking about you so much. I have to tell you something your goals and desires are high but you need to couple yourself around the life as well.’

‘But, you both know my current situation. I am struggling to find and define my identity; I am not satisfied with what I am doing, my emotions are unstable, sometimes I just feel like crying and don’t even know how and who to express it to. I have so many things on status pending, you know I plan to launch TechPints next week, PERPLEXED launch date is in less than three months, my research project is still pending, I need to push the AI app I am developing for my current company to production in less than two weeks while there is a lot yet needed to be done in it, we pitched for MyFarm last Friday and hopefully will be starting with the incubation in the coming week, I need to develop the cross platform mobile application for that as well, my three research papers are still pending, for the Youth entrepreneurship challenge I need to redefine my problem statement and start working on the initial MVP, I need to make this power source optimiser placement prediction model for the Build for Earth team as our showcase to investors is in less than a month, I need to complete and push the React code to GitHub for my teammate to collaborate and help me finish on time, my half written book is still on hold and I need to complete it, also I have to attend two upcoming events and fly to London next week.’ I said this all in one single breath, surprisingly the expression on the face of both Dr. Hawking and Dr. Einstein were not really what I expected rather, they were laughing and it felt like they were enjoying.
‘Vin, Vin, Vin; Jakoś to będzie (It will all work out somehow); all you need to do is to believe in you and I am saying this than it really mean something, and you know why I said it this way. You need to get your emotions in line, you are at your least productive zone. You know the only thing more complicated than Physics is human emotions, even in the year 2980, we are trying to understand it; well let me tell you something even in this Universe you have a lovey dovey personal life.’ told Dr. Einstein, while Dr. Hawking added in a contrasting way, ‘Nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło (There is no loss without some gain), Vin, there is something common between me, Dr. Einstein, Steve Jobs, and Leonardo da Vinci; if you know you know, I don’t want to say everything upfront. But remember the sky is not your limit even as there are infinite number of skies that you need to win over. well I know we haven’t really answered any of your question completely yet, but we came here to just to make you realise something and I believe we accomplished our target; well we need to travel back somewhere and Dr. Einstein will be coming back to you soon again’. ‘Yes Yes, you know Vin probably around one and a half month from now, I will be coming back to you about something but until then keep your hustle going and maybe for your emotion part there will be someone you can expect to visit you next month or even earlier.’ said Dr. Einstein in a composite voice.

Before I could even react, it was this bright light again, my vision was all lost for a moment; it took me next 15-20 minutes to digest this all and get back to completing the code I was working upon. Though I realised its already too late to sleep, I went to the kitchen made another cup of coffee and decided to push my sleep to another day.
Well, I hope you all are liking the blogs, well I am very happy to share that our viewership is crossing borders much faster than I expected; our last blog had readers from around 46 different nationalities. If you are a constant reader I know you will be looking to this last paragraph for some announcement, I will be doing a little giveaway of chocolates and a letter written specifically to you, if you will be in the top three people who write me an email at, telling a short story about your life and what good change you will bring in world if you will get the funds you need to implement it. Looking forward to reading some of the amazing thoughts of yours.